Speeding Truck Accident Attorneys in Birmingham, AL


According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), speeding is the number one driver-related factor in large truck accidents. Truck drivers work on incredibly tight deadlines. Many trucker drivers worry they will lose their jobs if they don’t make their deliveries on time. Furthermore, many truck drivers are paid by the load, so they are incentivized to get to their destinations faster. These reasons may cause them to speed and engage in other reckless driving behaviors in an effort to reach their destination quickly.

If you are the victim of a truck accident caused by speeding, you could be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and pain and suffering. Our Birmingham truck accident attorneys at Serious Injury Law Group are fierce advocates for victims of truck accidents. We will work exhaustively to help you seek the full financial recovery you deserve.

Contact us today for a free consultation to learn about your legal options. We’re here to help.

What Is Speeding?

Speeding occurs when truck drivers exceed the legal speed limit for trucks. When a truck accident occurs because a driver was speeding, the collision can be far more serious than it would have been if the truck had been abiding by the speed limit.

Speeding can also occur when truck drivers are driving too fast in adverse conditions. The FMCSA has also put rules in place that outline when truck drivers should decrease their speed to account for adverse conditions, such as:

  • Inclement weather, including rain, snow, sleet, fog, and ice
  • Heavy traffic situations
  • Low visibility conditions
  • Road work zones
  • Entrance and exit ramps
  • Road hazards and other obstructions

When truck drivers speed in adverse conditions, accidents are more likely to occur.

Why Speeding Is a Major Cause of Fatalities in Truck Accidents

Many commercial trucks and their cargo weigh tens of thousands of pounds. When a truck collides with another vehicle, the impact is far more severe than it would be between two regular automobiles. When you add speeding into the equation, the impact of the collision can be catastrophic.

When a truck driver speeds, it increases the risk of a truck accident occurring since a speeding truck driver has less control over their vehicle. When a trucker speeds, they will require more time and space to come to a complete stop, so they may not have sufficient time to react if a hazard arises.

Speeding not only increases the chances of a truck accident occurring. It also increases the potential severity of the truck driving accident. A speeding truck will impact another vehicle with an even greater force of impact than it would have otherwise, which means a greater chance that speeding accidents can be fatal.

In addition, speeding trucks face other hazards, such as the possibility of rolling if they take a turn too fast or the possibility of jackknifing if they need to brake hard while speeding. Jackknifing is when the trailer of a truck swings outward toward the cab, forming a “V” shape. When a truck jackknifes, the trailer could easily sweep across several lanes of traffic, causing a severe, multi-vehicle collision.

What Are the Dangers When Truckers Speed?

Some of the dangers truck drivers face when they speed include:

  • Inability to slow down or stop – Speeding trucks need an even longer stopping distance than they usually require. If the traffic situation suddenly changes or an obstacle appears in their path, a truck driver may not be able to avoid a collision.
  • Curves – Truck drivers are trained to drive slowly around curves. Trucks’ high center of gravity makes them more likely to roll if a driver takes a curve too quickly.
  • Hydroplaning – When a truck speeds across a slick surface, its tires could lose traction with the road, causing it to slide into nearby vehicles.
  • Blind spots – Commercial trucks are surrounded by large blind spots, called no-zones. When a truck driver speeds, they’ll have a much harder time keeping an eye on vehicles entering and leaving their blind spots.
  • Inclement weather – Truck drivers who don’t slow down for inclement weather or low-visibility conditions could lose control of their trucks or collide into another vehicle before they even see it.
  • Cargo loads – If cargo becomes loose or shifts in the trailer while the driver is speeding, the driver will have a much harder time maintaining control of their vehicle.

Truck drivers who speed often engage in other reckless driving behaviors that can increase the likelihood of deadly collisions occurring, such as:

Steps to Take After a Speeding Truck Accident

Truck accidents are complex, and navigating the claims process can be stressful, especially if you are recovering from serious injuries. There are simple things you can do, however, to protect your rights. If you are the victim of a truck accident, consider following these important steps to increase your chances of getting the settlement you deserve:

  • Follow your doctor’s advice – Getting a medical evaluation as soon as possible after a truck accident is imperative. Some injuries, such as internal bleeding, take time to fully manifest, which is why it’s important to be checked out by a doctor. It’s also important to follow your doctor’s treatment plan in the weeks and months following the accident. Doing so will show you’re doing everything you can to heal.
  • Gather documentation – Collect any documentation you have related to your injuries and losses, such as medical documents, medical bills and other expenses, pay stubs, and vehicle repair estimates.
  • Document your recovery in a pain journal – It’s a good idea to track the physical pain and emotional challenges you face throughout your recovery to help others understand how your injuries have affected you.
  • Avoid social media – Refrain from posting updates on social media, which could potentially be leveraged by the other side to hurt your case.
    Consult with an attorney – A skilled truck accident attorney will be able to help you pursue maximum compensation and take the burden of a complex case off your shoulders.

How Our Birmingham, Alabama Lawyers Can Help You After a Speeding Truck Accident

The attorneys at Serious Injury Law Group are dedicated to fighting for the rights of truck accident victims in Birmingham and across Alabama. If you’ve been injured in a truck accident caused by a speeding truck driver, you could be entitled to compensation. To speak with an experienced Birmingham truck accident lawyer, call our offices or reach out to us online for a free consultation.