Montgomery Pedestrian Accident Attorneys

Montgomery is a nice place to go for a stroll and check out the shops, walk to dinner, or tour the capital on foot. But while walking may be enjoyable, functional, convenient, and healthy, a pedestrian who’s not paying attention – and even one who is – may be at risk of being harmed in a pedestrian accident.
At the office of the Serious Injury Law Group, we are very aware of the fact that every year there are hundreds of pedestrians involved in motor vehicle accidents in our state – and that dozens of these accidents result in pedestrian fatalities.
If you have been involved in a pedestrian accident, or if you have lost a loved one to the negligence of a reckless driver, our Montgomery pedestrian accident attorneys want to help you. Call us today to learn how we can serve you.
Compensation Available in Montgomery Pedestrian Injury and Fatality Cases
Pedestrians who are harmed in crashes, as well as those who survive the death of a family member killed in a pedestrian accident, may deserve compensation for their losses if someone else’s negligence caused the accident.
When you hire a Montgomery pedestrian accident lawyer from our firm, we will work hard to seek the maximum amount of compensation that you deserve. Types of compensation available in pedestrian injury cases may include:
- Medical expenses. A pedestrian who is struck by a motor vehicle will likely suffer tens of thousands of dollars – or more – worth of injuries and medical expenses, including costs related to hospital stays, surgeries, medications, rehabilitation, and various other treatments and expenses. All of these losses could be covered in a successful pedestrian accident claim.
- Lost wages. Medical expenses aren’t the only financial hurdle you’re likely to encounter after a pedestrian accident. You may be unable to return to work for weeks, months, or even indefinitely, leading to lost wages, too. We are prepared to calculate the actual value of these lost wages and seek recovery.
- Pain, suffering, and emotional distress. Being involved in an accident is no doubt painful, and can leave a victim suffering from both physical and emotional anguish. While these damages don’t come with a price tag attached, they are still very real and can be recovered in a successful case.
In addition to the above, we will advocate for the full value of all economic and noneconomic losses you’ve suffered.
If you have lost a loved one in a pedestrian crash, the surviving family members cannot seek compensatory damages in a wrongful death claim, but you may seek punitive damages. These types of damages are intended to punish the defendant for their wrongful conduct.
It’s important to get legal help from a Montgomery pedestrian accident attorney for assistance in your pursuit of punitive damages.
Steps for Filing a Pedestrian Accident Lawsuit in Montgomery
Following a pedestrian accident, it’s important to act quickly to preserve your right to pursue a claim, as well as improve your chances of recovering a full settlement.
Steps to take include:
- Seek medical care. Your health should be your priority after a pedestrian accident. Call for medical help and accept emergency treatment and transport if needed. If you don’t go by ambulance to an emergency room, be sure to get a thorough medical evaluation as soon as possible.
- File a police report. The legal process really begins with filing a police report. If you do not file a police report, then you may have a very difficult time pursuing compensation.
- Gather evidence. Collect as much evidence at the scene as possible, including pictures of traffic lights, skid marks, and lighting and weather conditions. Clearly, getting the driver’s information is critical, too.
- File your insurance claim. Alabama is an at-fault state, requiring that people who cause accidents to pay for the damages that result. After you are injured, be sure to provide the insurance company with notice of the accident as soon as possible. We recommend working with a pedestrian accident attorney when communicating with an insurer.
- Know the statute of limitations. The majority of pedestrian accident cases are settled without a formal lawsuit ever being necessary. Your lawyer will represent you during settlement negotiations, and work hard to pursue the award that you deserve. If these negotiations fail, though, you can file a personal injury lawsuit. You must bring your suit within the statute of limitations. The statute of limitations for pedestrian accidents is two years in Alabama.
Causes of Pedestrian Accidents in Montgomery
Pedestrian accidents are almost always a result of negligence on someone’s part – often the driver of a motor vehicle. Some of the most common causes of these crashes include:
- Failing to yield right-of-way to pedestrians in crosswalks or pedestrians crossing at an intersection
- Running stop signs or traffic lights
- Impaired driving
- Speeding
- Distracted driving
- Driving aggressively
Sometimes, things like traffic light defects or poor visibility can contribute to a crash. In some cases, pedestrian negligence – such as walking while texting or crossing without the right-of-way – leads to a crash. Most crashes, though, are simply the result of a driver failing to look before proceeding directly into a pedestrian’s path.
This is especially common when a pedestrian is crossing and a driver makes a right-hand turn while looking to the left for oncoming traffic (instead of to the right), as well as when a pedestrian is crossing at an intersection and a driver is making a left-hand turn, paying attention only to oncoming traffic, not crosswalk traffic.
Types of Pedestrian Accident Injuries
Without the steel frame of a car, seatbelts, and airbags to prevent injuries, pedestrians who are struck by a motor vehicle are often seriously injured. Some of the most common types of pedestrian accident injuries include:
- Traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
- Internal injuries
- Spinal cord injuries, including paralysis
- Back and neck injuries
- Road rash burns, lacerations, and bruises
- Bone fractures
- Soft tissue injuries
Tragically, many pedestrians who are involved in crashes will never regain mobility or the same quality of life they had prior to the accident, and many will be permanently disabled or disfigured. The injuries prove fatal in far too many crashes.
Contact a Personal Injury Attorney in Montgomery
Following a pedestrian accident, an injured pedestrian or their surviving family members may deserve to be compensated if someone else was at fault for the crash. Our Montgomery pedestrian accident lawyers at the office of the Serious Injury Law Group are here to serve you.
If you have questions about your rights after a pedestrian crash or how to file a pedestrian injury claim to seek the largest settlement possible, we can help. We work on a contingency fee basis and always review cases free of charge. Contact our team today to learn more.